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InBFlat: Harmonization with YouTube

June 3, 2009 // Posted in Audio Software, Culture, Software, Visualization  |  1 Comment

In Bb 2.0 is one of the more interesting websites I’ve seen in a while.  “In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls.”

Darren Solomon requested that fans record and post videos in the same key.  He then assembled selected videos on one webpage, effectively transforming a browser into a web-based audio video mixing board.

Because all the videos are in the same key, they mix harmonically and sound very natural.  The different elements are not in the same tempo but this interactive song is not driven by rhythm.  Each piece fits an ambient vibe and they all blend well.  It’s a very cool concept and one that I’m sure we’ll be seeing more interpretations of in the future.

Of the many videos posted, these are my favorite.

New Musical Loop Guide Section Added!

May 29, 2009 // Posted in Audio Hardware, Audio Software, General, Software (Tags: , , , , , ) |  No Comments

If you take a look at the Pages section of AdamSonic, you’ll see a new section entitled, “Guide to musical loops!.”  I created this for anyone interested in learning more about building a loop library.  Enjoy!

– Adam Smith-Kipnis

Looptastic Producer posts three new sets!

May 28, 2009 // Posted in Audio Software, iPhone stuff, Software (Tags: , , , , ) |  3 Comments

Sound Trends recently launched a new application called Looptastic Producer.  Looptastic is a performance remix tool for both the iPhone and iPod Touch. Looptastic Producer is the first product enabling you import your own loops. Read the rest of this entry »

Creating an AdamSonic iPhone App

February 14, 2009 // Posted in Audio Hardware, General, iPhone stuff, Software  |  3 Comments

So today I created an iPhone app for my blog in less than 5 minutes.  Here’s how I did it and how you can add AdamSonic to your iPhone too!

  1. I downloaded and installed the WPtouch iPhone Theme in WordPress.  WordPress has a one click installation process that makes adding a plug-in as easy as watching a YouTube video.  The WPtouch iPhone theme will automatically detect if visitors to the blog are viewing it through an iPhone.  If they are, it automatically reformats the blog to make it much more friendly to a mobile device with a touch screen.
  2. I opened the Safari browser in the iPhone and navigated to  As you can see from the picture, the blog formatting worked!
    BlogSonic in Safari
  3. I clicked on the + and added the blog to my home screen using the built in “Add to home screen” function.Add to Home Screen
    This creates an icon for the website and adds it to the home screen.BlogSonic logo
  4. Enjoy!  If you would like to use the standard web view to on your iPhone, there is an option on my blog to use that view instead.

Special thanks to Brian Geoghagan and David Battino.

Interesting application of speech analytics

February 13, 2009 // Posted in Audio Software, iPhone stuff, Security, Software  |  1 Comment



A while back, I heard about Delve Networks, a Seattle based company which developed an audio search engine named Pluggd.  Pluggd scans audio and video podcasts for keywords and embeds them with searchable markers.  These searchable markers tag the individual words and subjects within an audio file.  The user can type any word or phrase into their search engine and instantly locate all podcasts with that word or phrase in it.  Pluggd will even highlight the exact location in each podcast where the phrase was spoken!

Yesterday I stumbled across an application named Utopy SpeechMiner.  SpeechMiner analyzes recorded conversations for keywords as well as emotion and organizes the results into a searchable database.  SpeechMiner was created as a tool for large scale statistical analasis of customer service phone calls.  The intent is to determine common issues and track customer satisfaction.  SpeechMiner also has an API that enables the software to be integrated into websites and other applications.  What I find most interesting, is that these speech analytics are being applied to phone conversations.

In a discussion with someone who used to work for the government about the recent warrantless wiretappings of american civilians by the NSA it was explained to me that the government has the capability of gathering and storing huge amounts of personal data but they have no idea what to do with it.  I maintain that if they haven’t already figured out the alchemy of changing vast quantities of data into usable information it’s only a matter of time before they do or someone else does it for them.